Today, we are thrilled to reconnect with you and share some exciting updates from our VCRE.CO team. As we embark on this journey together, we want to take a moment to introduce our team once again and celebrate the addition of a new member who brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to our family.

Our Team – The Driving Force Behind Our Success

At VCRE.CO, we firmly believe that our team is the cornerstone of our achievements. With diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences, we come together with a shared passion for commercial real estate, a commitment to excellence, and an unwavering dedication to serving our community and our clients’ needs.

What VCRE.CO is Excited About

As we reflect on our journey so far, our team is excited about several developments and trends in the commercial real estate landscape. Here are a few key areas that have us buzzing with enthusiasm:

There’s a profound sense of fulfillment in working side by side with our valued clients, aiding them in realizing their objectives—it’s a joy that knows no bounds. We’re wholeheartedly dedicated to remaining active, deeply engaged, unfailingly positive, and always primed to execute tasks with excellence.

Our excitement stems from the prospect of fostering more client successes, collaborating on innovative solutions, and achieving remarkable milestones together. We thrive on the challenges that lie ahead, eager to explore new horizons and set new standards in the world of commercial real estate in Frederick County.

Welcoming Our New Team Member

Maggie Nealley, our dedicated Marketing and Transaction Coordinator, has deep roots in the Frederick, Maryland community, having grown up here and attended Frederick High School. She is a recent graduate of Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, where she pursued a double major in Business and Spanish complemented by a minor in Media and Communications. Her fascination with digital marketing blossomed during her college years, nurtured by her role as the Social Media Chair for several campus organizations, including her NCAA Division III lacrosse team, where she served as a midfielder throughout her entire educational journey.

Beyond her professional role, Maggie is an avid enthusiast of an active lifestyle and cherishes moments spent with loved ones. Whether it’s staying physically fit, exploring new adventures, or simply relishing the company of friends and family, Maggie approaches life with unwavering enthusiasm. Her latest pursuit, pickleball, exemplifies her zest for embracing new challenges.

“I’m delighted to become a part of the family, and I can’t wait to work alongside our passionate team as the new marketing and transaction coordinator”, said Nealley. 

What We’ve Been Up To

The market continues to be an arena of intense competition, with property owners enjoying favorable conditions for both leasing and selling their assets. Additionally, we have noticed some notable shifts in the financial sector that are impacting real estate investments.

As we dive deeper into the market, it’s clear that the demand for commercial real estate remains strong. However, the supply side of the equation tells a different story. Inventory remains incredibly low across various sectors, and this scarcity of available properties has created a highly competitive environment. Property owners are in an advantageous position, with the ability to negotiate favorable terms and pricing.

Another noteworthy development is the shifting landscape of real estate financing. Banks and lending institutions have been tightening their underwriting criteria, making it more challenging for investors to secure financing. This change is a response to various economic factors and market conditions.

While obtaining financing may be more challenging, it is by no means impossible. Our team is well-versed in navigating these financial complexities and can assist you in finding creative solutions, exploring alternative financing options, and structuring deals that align with your investment objectives.

As we re-introduce our team and welcome a new member to the family, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued trust and partnership. We look forward to embarking on new ventures, navigating challenges, and achieving success together in the dynamic world of commercial real estate in Frederick County.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.