Allow us to re-introduce ourselves!

Today, we are thrilled to reconnect with you and share some exciting updates from our VCRE.CO team. As we embark on this journey together, we want to take a moment to introduce our team once again and celebrate the addition of a new member who brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to our family. Our Team - The Driving Force Behind Our Success At VCRE.CO, we firmly believe that our team is the [...]

Redfin & Loopnet vs. traditional brokerages; which is best for purchasing commercial property?

If you're looking to purchase your first commercial property then you may be wondering if choosing a traditional commercial real estate broker, Redfin or Loopnet is best for you. With the advancements in technology, real estate investing has become more accessible thanks to companies like Redfin and Loopnet. Redfin and Loopnet allow investors to find properties all over without having to travel and still make the proper investments. Both companies compete in the growing space of online [...]

  • employees in the metaverse

Is Metaverse real estate a good investment for companies?

The Metaverse. Many still don’t know what it is, for many, it can seem like a new world, and technically it is. By definition, the Metaverse is a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. It is a digital world with the same real-world components we experience daily, including business and investing. Over the last year, especially due to COVID-19 shutting down the world, investing in the [...]